Palvelukatko pankin palveluissa sunnuntaina 19.5.2024 klo 5.00–17.30

POP Mortgage Bank Plc

POP Mortgage Bank Plc is a subsidiary wholly owned by POP Bank Centre coop and it also belongs to amalgamation of POP Banks. POP Mortgage Bank Plc is responsible for the Group's secured funding by issuing covered bonds.

POP Mortgage Bank Plc is committed to continuously maintain an overcollateralization at a level commensurate with the S&P rating level of ‘AAA’.

Our contact details

Hevosenkenkä 3, 02600 Espoo, Finland

Business-ID: 3236645-3

Timo Hulkko, CEO, tel +358 50 089 4008

Tony Tötterström, Deputy CEO, tel. +358 530 6623