Bonum Bank Plc Half Year Report for 1 January - 30 June 2017, Stock Exchange Release

Bonum Bank Plc, Stock Exchange Release 22.8.2017 at 15:45 

Bonum Bank Plc Half Year Report for 1 January - 30 June 2017

Bonum Bank Plc's profit for the review period amounted to EUR 105 thousand (EUR 1,336 thousand in the corresponding period of the previous year). The profit for the reporting period primarily consists of interest and commission income on central credit institution services provided for POP Banks and commission income on the card business. The Bank's cost-to-income ratio was 87.06% (68.11%).

The Bank's balance sheet total was EUR 490,693 thousand (456,960) at the end of the review period.

Key ratios (1000 euroa) 30.6.2017 31.12.2016 30.6.2016
Net interest income 1 073 2 476 1 386
Profit 83 978 1 069
Balance sheet total 490 693 456 960 515 722
Common equity Tier 1 capital ratio, (CET1) % 30,4 28,7 23,9
Cost-to-income ratio, % 87,06 76,71 68,11
ROA 0,04 0,22 0,6
ROE 0,77 4,66 12,60
Equity ratio, % 4,45 4,75 4,20


Bonum Bank has a EUR 150 million certificate of deposit programme. In June, the Bank issued two certificates of deposit according to the programme, both with a nominal value of EUR 5 million. In addition, Bonum Bank has a bond programme of EUR 750 million. In 2016, the Bank issued a three-year unsecured senior bond of EUR 100 million according to the programme. The bond is listed on the Nasdaq Helsinki.

In June, S&P Global Ratings confirmed Bonum Bank's rating of 'BBB' for long-term investment grade and 'A-2' for short-term investment grade. The outlook remains stable.

Further information:
Anders Dahlqvist, CEO, Bonum Bank Plc, +358 (0)10 4233 711

Nasdaq Helsinki Oy

ATTACHMENT: Bonum Bank Plc Half Year Report 1 January - 30 June 2017

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